The Source of Contentment
The labyrinth of reactionary patchwork fixes designed to mitigate the negative effects of top-down dictated solutions that comprise the modern world, fogs the mind.
This is not because modern solutions are necessarily complicated or complex, but because they’re built upon intuitively unstable foundations that result in a subconscious and overt mental stress.
It is not enough to enumerate, describe, or complain about the ways in which modernity oppresses us, but it is probably a necessary first step. The truth is that the path of intellectual development stalls without the application of learned concepts to real life.
Whether you spend time outdoors, experience psychedelic breakthroughs, or come to understand truths revealed through mastery, the cross-disciplinary insight is always fundamentally the same:
Contentment doesn’t arise from efficiency or optimization, or even simplicity; contentment arises from living a life that is in line with the natural order.