Institutional Opportunism

In December 2019, Apple became the worlds first trillion dollar company. Today it is worth approximately 2 trillion dollars. In a period of only 8 months, Apple nearly doubled its market cap. It’s a similar story for the rest of Big Tech.

In the meantime, the population has been weaponized against small businesses. Local, national, and global journalists attack any business or individual failing to comply, and as a result, the population, along with fake bot armies sponsored by a variety of interest groups, swarm with negative reviews and dox attacks to shame an inadequate response.

The public clamors for a vaccine, to redirect billions of dollars to pharmaceutical and technology companies openly promising to reengineer not only the economy, but society at large.

At a certain point, one must ask oneself, what exactly am I doing? Am I looking out for the health and safety of fellow humans, or am I being manipulated into carrying out a more sinister agenda?

It may not be the case that this was cooked up in some shady backroom international meeting years ago by the Gates Foundation and the Rothschilds. But, is important to recognize that they do fund think-tanks, global development funds, NGO’s, and ‘research’ used by corporate strategists.

Even more, they do meet at Davos, Bilderberg, Sun Valley, and other global conferences to discuss their plans for the future. What this reveals, is that there is an intersection between pragmatic opportunism and the driving market incentives of globalization.

In other words, they didn’t have to intentionally release a virus onto the population to get this result. Events happen in real time, and our response to them is limited by the existing institutions and structures that we have on hand, in that moment.

It is not at all surprising that existing institutions would benefit from crises. It should be completely expected. In fact, it couldn't be any other way.