Jupiter Rising
A Commentary on the Gerontocracy
The Greek myth of Cronus, later adapted by the Romans as Saturn, tells the story of an aging titan who devours his own children in an attempt to prevent the fulfillment of a prophecy that foretold that one of his sons would overthrow him, as he had overthrown his father. For the Romans, this story described not only the insatiable lust for power, but the succession of empire, and the costs of opposing the natural order.
Perhaps the best representation of this myth is Francisco Goya's ~1819 painting, Saturno devorando a su hijo, which depicts a crouching Saturn against a dark background, skin falling off of his bones, with a look of horror in his eyes— a slave to his own desire for power and control as he reluctantly feasts on the carcass of his child.
Modern Western civilization is no longer Faustian. It is Saturnian.
Rather than trade their souls for knowledge or material wealth, the cabal of geriatric elites that rule over the West are, in effect, devouring their own children in a desperate attempt to retain control over the empire. They have banned the rightful heirs of the West from the public sphere, dispossessed them of their identity, inflated them out of wealth, exiled them from heritage institutions, demographically replaced them in native lands, and are determined to damn them into to what can only be described as a transhumanist hell.
Whether anti-human dreams like artificial wombs, gene editing, and brain-machine interfaces represent an intentional effort to subjugate humanity or simply promise the highest returns on investment capital, this emergent transhumanist agenda threatens the very sanctity of life itself. Rather than age gracefully and embrace the responsibilities that accompany maturity, our elite elders have instead opted to wage a war against the natural order.
The olds desperately cling to power and regard the best minds of our generation not as worthy heirs to mentor, but as mere brains in a vat, to be accessed and mined only as necessary to advance their own selfish interests. Instead of teaching and empowering the youth, they prey on them. Take for example, social media platforms. Rather than use their proprietary algorithms to model virtue for younger generations, they use them to pit us against each other, atomize their opposition, and delay our generational ascent.
But by concentrating us in these digital silos, they have inadvertently provided us with the time and space to refine a distinctly pro-human message that resonates at scale despite their best efforts to suppress it. By mindfully cultivating the fruitful traditions and values that have guided us through the rise and fall of empires past, and reconnecting with timeless truths of the natural order, we can sidestep the current collapse and preserve our organic lineage through the consummation of an empire of our own.
As Saturn eventually comes to discover, resistance to the natural order is futile. Succession is inevitable.
In the televisual age, the collapse of empire more closely resembles a mass mental illness event than a kinetic conflict. As we spiral further into novelty, it is easy to lose touch with what is true. Our disconnection from nature has left us mentally and spiritually vulnerable to the hypnotic technological sprawl of a decadent yet declining empire. We have lost our connection to the natural world, and with it, the perennial wisdom it so graciously bears.
By separating ourselves from the natural world, we traded a holistic worldview— elegant in its simplicity, based on an understanding of balance, cycles, and tradeoffs, for reductive observations mistaken as 'progress'. We are taught to dissect the natural world and reduce its awe-inspiring complexity to isolated and distinct individual parts. This reductive worldview robs us of the downstream benefits of natural systems and replaces them with perpetual problems to be solved for. Modern attempts to transcend nature and deny the natural order will only accelerate the fall.
In the latest stage of empire, people forget that their needs are fundamentally derived from nature. Then, during periods of famine, disease, or natural disaster they are reminded. As biological beings, we are both physically and spiritually connected with the natural world. To separate the spiritual from the physical robs us of our connection to the divine. Even if only out of self-preservation, we must conserve the natural world because it is just as much a part of us as we are of it. The understanding of the symbiosis between man and nature frames ecological conservation as a cornerstone of any budding empire that seeks long-term sustainable growth.
The only real protection we have against the decline of empire and delusions of modernity is the preservation of tradition. Tradition functions as a cultural technology that conserves knowledge through time. Intellectual curiosity is essential, but in maturity, should be tempered by refined values. Without discipline, the exercise of freedom is reduced to the violation of social norms and the destruction of order. Modern liberal 'values' are so far removed from the natural order that they actually celebrate the erosion of virtue and define themselves by their opposition to it. The barbarians are at the gate.
By conserving tradition, we preserve the opportunity to reconnect with our ancestral lineage. Your identity isn't an idea, it is rooted in physical reality. The subversive forces in society neuter your mind by uprooting your connection to your organic past and separating you from your true identity. Once in this socially engineered blank slate state, you can be remade into anything they desire; an insatiable consumer, a 'revolutionary', or even a domestic [REDACTED]. It is always the rootless individuals, with no connection to their past or understanding of their own personal heritage who seek to destroy yours. They rewrite the past so that they can steal the future.
In the Western simulacra of culture, the social engineers present us with victim models so that the public idolizes the victim not for his innocence or virtue, but for his weakness. Instead of cultivating confidence through positive-sum competitions of strength and ability that serve to vitalize a populous, we have been cast in a victim hierarchy— specifically designed to demoralize us and justify the dispossession of our civilization. This revolting inversion of competition is a humiliation ritual that reduces once virtuous men to groveling servants, who in their degraded state of existence are capable only of resentment and destruction.
Whether intentional or emergent, the purpose of these rituals are to disempower the children of the West, that is— those of us born to inherit Western civilization. It is not that the public is in some deep slumber or guided hypnosis, but that they are so deeply humiliated and abused that they don’t even know who they are anymore. Many Americans don't even know their own fathers, let alone contemplate or internalize the triumphs of their ancestors.
Consider TikTok: Our geriatric political leaders allow an actual Chinese psychological operation to ravage the minds of our youth. A little known fact, although revealing aspect of the TikTok situation, is that TikTok's parent company is in part financially backed by American investment firms. The truth is unavoidable: Western elites are comfortable with selling our countries, our culture, and our children to the international market in exchange for transfer payments.
Briefly setting aside the horror of this current circumstance, their tactics reveal an Achilles heel... What the gerontocracy fears most is the strong and disciplined man, empowered by moral conviction, who through natural vitality and refined will is capable of leading and inspiring a joie de vivre worth emulating. For the West to ever rise again, we must unconditionally dethrone this decrepit gerontocracy and shatter the chains of their pathetic managerial bureaucracy.
In the Orphic Hymns, a child was hidden from Saturn, raised in the wild, and later returned home with an emetic given to him by Gaia that would force Saturn to disgorge his swallowed siblings. In the end, Saturn is finally overthrown by his son Jupiter, the god of Roman civilization, and imprisoned for eternity in the cave of Nyx. As we, the pro-human children of the West, continue to search for our own emetic, we must develop a strong social fabric —woven together by tradition, virtue, and reverence for the natural order. In order to displace the current ruling class, we need a formidable network of our own, bound together by a shared belief in something greater, a pro-human future.
Imagine a society that builds its own products, implements its own sovereign technology protocols, and is proudly energy independent. Imagine a society that encourages both family formation and environmental conservation, without sacrificing the individual autonomy necessary to ignite the innovative spirit. A pro-human future doesn't have to be just a dream, but to realize it, we must summon the will to face strong headwinds before us...
To successfully navigate a path through the dizzying implementations of various elite control mechanisms like ESG, carbon credits, and digital ID's, we must confront the reality of the situation at hand. We are being driven into austerity by a Saturnian elite that seek to retain power and control by preying on human flourishing. What they publicly present as compassionate utilitarianism is, in practice, an imperialist agenda that seeks global market dominance through the homogenization of labor, products, and mind. Don't be fooled, ‘the experts' crude materialism and naive utilitarianism are more philosophically backward than the beliefs of any third world peasant or simple farmer they despise from flyover country.
The proper response to the inhuman outcomes of our system is to recognize them as a signal and intervene decisively with a strong human hand to reject the unnatural demands of a global market that capitalizes on subverting virtue. The so-called 'inefficiencies' they seek to minimize are precisely what guarantee not only national sovereignty and individual autonomy, but the beauty and virtue that inspire a population to achieve greatness. The homogeneity demanded by the global market does not exist in nature; it is the enemy of nature, and only the most efficient outcome from a very low-grade understanding of reality. Nature demands pluralism.
As Western civilization goes to seed, new fiefdoms will begin to grow. Organic networks with a cohesive set of values will take root and outcompete sterile attempts to perpetuate the status quo. We win by embodying the virtue, beauty, and vitality our current elites lack. But as confusion spreads in the fog of war, perhaps just as important is the ability to clearly communicate a vision for a pro-human future, wedded with the natural order.
Jupiter is rising.